Terriermon - Digimon

09. Service Directory

2024. 11. 17. 15:55클라우드/GCP

Task 1. Configuring Service Directory




Task 2. Configuring a Service Directory DNS zone

You can create a Service Directory zone that allows your Google Cloud-based services to query your Service Directory namespace via DNS.

DNS queries for the following record types are supported:

  • A/AAAA/SRV records for a service or an endpoint
  • SOA/NS records for the private zone origin

A/AAAA queries must observe the following format:






SRV queries must observe the following format:






Task 5. Logging and Monitoring





: In this lab, you set up a Service Directory namespace, added a service to the namespace, and added endpoints to a service. You then created a Service Directory zone that allows your Google Cloud-based services to query your Service Directory namespace via DNS. Finally, you viewed and created admin activity logs CreateNamespace and DeleteNamespace.



참고: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/focuses/12412?parent=catalog
