12. BigQuery Soccer Data Analytical Insight
2024. 11. 20. 07:58ㆍ클라우드/GCP
Task 1. Open BigQuery
테스트 랩이라 이미 데이터셋 및 테이블이 작성되어있음
쿼리문에 쿼리 작성
SELECT Events.playerId, (Players.firstName || ' ' || Players.lastName) AS playerName, SUM(IF(Tags2Name.Label = 'assist', 1, 0)) AS numAssists FROM `soccer.events` Events, Events.tags Tags LEFT JOIN `soccer.tags2name` Tags2Name ON Tags.id = Tags2Name.Tag LEFT JOIN `soccer.players` Players ON Events.playerId = Players.wyId GROUP BY playerId, playerName ORDER BY numAssists DESC |
soccer.events 테이블을 기반으로 선수별 어시스트 수를 계산하고, 어시스트가 많은 순으로 정렬하여 출력
Task 3. Calculate the average pass distance by team
WITH Passes AS ( SELECT *, /* 1801 is known Tag for 'accurate' from tags2name table */ (1801 IN UNNEST(tags.id)) AS accuratePass, (CASE WHEN ARRAY_LENGTH(positions) != 2 THEN NULL ELSE /* Translate 0-100 (x,y) coordinate-based distances to absolute positions using "average" field dimensions of 105x68 before combining in 2D dist calc */ SQRT( POW( (positions[ORDINAL(2)].x - positions[ORDINAL(1)].x) * 105/100, 2) + POW( (positions[ORDINAL(2)].y - positions[ORDINAL(1)].y) * 68/100, 2) ) END) AS passDistance FROM `soccer.events` WHERE eventName = 'Pass' ) SELECT Passes.teamId, Teams.name AS team, Teams.area.name AS teamArea, COUNT(Passes.Id) AS numPasses, AVG(Passes.passDistance) AS avgPassDistance, SAFE_DIVIDE( SUM(IF(Passes.accuratePass, Passes.passDistance, 0)), SUM(IF(Passes.accuratePass, 1, 0)) ) AS avgAccuratePassDistance FROM Passes LEFT JOIN `soccer.teams` Teams ON Passes.teamId = Teams.wyId WHERE Teams.type = 'club' GROUP BY teamId, team, teamArea ORDER BY avgPassDistance |
축구 경기의 패스 데이터를 바탕으로 각 팀의 패스 횟수, 평균 패스 거리, 그리고 정확한 패스의 평균 거리를 계산
Task 4. Analyze shot distance
WITH Shots AS ( SELECT *, /* 101 is known Tag for 'goals' from goals table */ (101 IN UNNEST(tags.id)) AS isGoal, /* Translate 0-100 (x,y) coordinate-based distances to absolute positions using "average" field dimensions of 105x68 before combining in 2D dist calc */ SQRT( POW( (100 - positions[ORDINAL(1)].x) * 105/100, 2) + POW( (50 - positions[ORDINAL(1)].y) * 68/100, 2) ) AS shotDistance FROM `soccer.events` WHERE /* Includes both "open play" & free kick shots (including penalties) */ eventName = 'Shot' OR (eventName = 'Free Kick' AND subEventName IN ('Free kick shot', 'Penalty')) ) SELECT ROUND(shotDistance, 0) AS ShotDistRound0, COUNT(*) AS numShots, SUM(IF(isGoal, 1, 0)) AS numGoals, AVG(IF(isGoal, 1, 0)) AS goalPct FROM Shots WHERE shotDistance <= 50 GROUP BY ShotDistRound0 ORDER BY ShotDistRound0 |
축구 경기에서 슈팅 거리별로 슈팅 횟수, 득점 횟수, 득점 비율을 계산
Create a visualization of results
쿼리 결과에서 chart를 누르면 차트를 보여줌
Task 5. Analyze shot angle
WITH Shots AS ( SELECT *, /* 101 is known Tag for 'goals' from goals table */ (101 IN UNNEST(tags.id)) AS isGoal, /* Translate 0-100 (x,y) coordinates to absolute positions using "average" field dimensions of 105x68 before using in various distance calcs; LEAST used to cap shot locations to on-field (x, y) (i.e. no exact 100s) */ LEAST(positions[ORDINAL(1)].x, 99.99999) * 105/100 AS shotXAbs, LEAST(positions[ORDINAL(1)].y, 99.99999) * 68/100 AS shotYAbs FROM `soccer.events` WHERE /* Includes both "open play" & free kick shots (including penalties) */ eventName = 'Shot' OR (eventName = 'Free Kick' AND subEventName IN ('Free kick shot', 'Penalty')) ), ShotsWithAngle AS ( SELECT Shots.*, /* Law of cosines to get 'open' angle from shot location to goal, given that goal opening is 7.32m, placed midway up at field end of (105, 34) */ SAFE.ACOS( SAFE_DIVIDE( ( /* Squared distance between shot and 1 post, in meters */ (POW(105 - shotXAbs, 2) + POW(34 + (7.32/2) - shotYAbs, 2)) + /* Squared distance between shot and other post, in meters */ (POW(105 - shotXAbs, 2) + POW(34 - (7.32/2) - shotYAbs, 2)) - /* Squared length of goal opening, in meters */ POW(7.32, 2) ), (2 * /* Distance between shot and 1 post, in meters */ SQRT(POW(105 - shotXAbs, 2) + POW(34 + 7.32/2 - shotYAbs, 2)) * /* Distance between shot and other post, in meters */ SQRT(POW(105 - shotXAbs, 2) + POW(34 - 7.32/2 - shotYAbs, 2)) ) ) /* Translate radians to degrees */ ) * 180 / ACOS(-1) AS shotAngle FROM Shots ) SELECT ROUND(shotAngle, 0) AS ShotAngleRound0, COUNT(*) AS numShots, SUM(IF(isGoal, 1, 0)) AS numGoals, AVG(IF(isGoal, 1, 0)) AS goalPct FROM ShotsWithAngle GROUP BY ShotAngleRound0 ORDER BY ShotAngleRound0 |
축구 경기 데이터에서 슈팅 각도별로 슈팅 횟수, 득점 횟수, 득점 비율을 분석
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